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Monday, November 28, 2016

The Threatened one's...!!!

  A new post after quite a long time, I suppose. Pardon with me for the delay. Now, let's get back to the article. Everybody's familiar with the word "threatened" & also do we associate it mostly with life or death situations ( say stuck in the middle of nowhere ). What's the ground reality today..??
Animals are the Threatened SpeciesWe, Humans are the Threatening Species.Uff ! to the ever growing Human's desires & greeds.

  Presuming that you all are aware of the terms like "vulnerable", "endangered", & "threatened", and the same often referred to as to the extent of existence of flora & fauna in their own habitats. Well, I'd sum up a 30 of them for you all ( really sensitive one's ).

Here are the one's you've probably heard of atleast once;
-Leatherback Turtle
-Loggerhead Turtle
-Eurasian Otter
-European Sturgeon
-Atlantic Puffin
-Atlantic Halibut
-Atlantic Cod
-Common Skate
-Common Eel
-Harbour Seal
-Harbour Porpoise
-Bottlenose Dolphin
-Blue Shark
-Sperm Whale

And, there are these you've may not heard of;
-Undulate Ray
-Balearic Shearwater
-Angel Shark
-Angular Shark
-Basking Shark
-Frilled Shark
-Porbeagle Shark
-Thresher Shark
-Tope Shark
-Pink Sea Fan
-Sei Whale
-Spiny Dogfish
-Short snouted Seahorse
-Long snouted Seahorse
-Velvet scoter
P.S. To find out more about or to contribute to them, please do visit this link:

Hope I didn't scare you all with a dozen new names all at once. I had them mentioned since there's a critical issue that needs to be brought under the spotlight. There are two contrary real time examples i've mentioned below which i suppose is sufficient to give you guys an insight.

The 1st scenario:
Ever heard of these dashingly attractive Puffins, our feathery folks. A Puffin's main diet consists of Herrings, Hakes, Capelins, & Pipefishes ( in their preferential order ).
Due to climatic shift, the Puffin's have settled for a poor nutrient alternative i.e., the Pipefishes. The Pipefishes can be considered as the less nutritional food type for these Puffins. I know, that's definitely not a good sign. Just give a thought about the main reason for the change in Puffin's chief diet ( none other than climatic changes, recent studies say ).

© Andy Rouse
Puffin carrying a Pipefish

The 2nd & completely contradictory scenario:
There are these particular types of feathered friends known as Sandwich Terns, sounds delicious huh..?? Oh come-on, quit that thought. They're birds & not the sandwiches we have nor do they prefer sandwiches ( I agree, the name's a little weird ). They've changed their food pattern & habits drastically from Herrings, Sprats, & to Sand Eels. Worst of all, the Sand Eels are increasingly scarce. And, yet again it's not evidently a good sign either.

© Jim Almond
Sandwich Tern carrying a Sand Eel

Though, quite contradictory both the scenarios deliver us a warning note on Climatic Change & its adverse effects. All these changes are direct results of our desires & greeds. And, yet again we've been dreadfully successful in harming nature. Now, lets move that all aside & act while we still can. 
Because, We have a Chance. We have an Obligation! 
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” 

*Please be free to comment. Comments & feedback's are valued.


  1. That's indeed a great one....And looking forward for more of your posts...

    1. Ah, Thankyou for your valued comments. Stay tuned for more.
