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Monday, November 28, 2016

The Threatened one's...!!!

  A new post after quite a long time, I suppose. Pardon with me for the delay. Now, let's get back to the article. Everybody's familiar with the word "threatened" & also do we associate it mostly with life or death situations ( say stuck in the middle of nowhere ). What's the ground reality today..??
Animals are the Threatened SpeciesWe, Humans are the Threatening Species.Uff ! to the ever growing Human's desires & greeds.

  Presuming that you all are aware of the terms like "vulnerable", "endangered", & "threatened", and the same often referred to as to the extent of existence of flora & fauna in their own habitats. Well, I'd sum up a 30 of them for you all ( really sensitive one's ).

Here are the one's you've probably heard of atleast once;
-Leatherback Turtle
-Loggerhead Turtle
-Eurasian Otter
-European Sturgeon
-Atlantic Puffin
-Atlantic Halibut
-Atlantic Cod
-Common Skate
-Common Eel
-Harbour Seal
-Harbour Porpoise
-Bottlenose Dolphin
-Blue Shark
-Sperm Whale

And, there are these you've may not heard of;
-Undulate Ray
-Balearic Shearwater
-Angel Shark
-Angular Shark
-Basking Shark
-Frilled Shark
-Porbeagle Shark
-Thresher Shark
-Tope Shark
-Pink Sea Fan
-Sei Whale
-Spiny Dogfish
-Short snouted Seahorse
-Long snouted Seahorse
-Velvet scoter
P.S. To find out more about or to contribute to them, please do visit this link:

Hope I didn't scare you all with a dozen new names all at once. I had them mentioned since there's a critical issue that needs to be brought under the spotlight. There are two contrary real time examples i've mentioned below which i suppose is sufficient to give you guys an insight.

The 1st scenario:
Ever heard of these dashingly attractive Puffins, our feathery folks. A Puffin's main diet consists of Herrings, Hakes, Capelins, & Pipefishes ( in their preferential order ).
Due to climatic shift, the Puffin's have settled for a poor nutrient alternative i.e., the Pipefishes. The Pipefishes can be considered as the less nutritional food type for these Puffins. I know, that's definitely not a good sign. Just give a thought about the main reason for the change in Puffin's chief diet ( none other than climatic changes, recent studies say ).

© Andy Rouse
Puffin carrying a Pipefish

The 2nd & completely contradictory scenario:
There are these particular types of feathered friends known as Sandwich Terns, sounds delicious huh..?? Oh come-on, quit that thought. They're birds & not the sandwiches we have nor do they prefer sandwiches ( I agree, the name's a little weird ). They've changed their food pattern & habits drastically from Herrings, Sprats, & to Sand Eels. Worst of all, the Sand Eels are increasingly scarce. And, yet again it's not evidently a good sign either.

© Jim Almond
Sandwich Tern carrying a Sand Eel

Though, quite contradictory both the scenarios deliver us a warning note on Climatic Change & its adverse effects. All these changes are direct results of our desires & greeds. And, yet again we've been dreadfully successful in harming nature. Now, lets move that all aside & act while we still can. 
Because, We have a Chance. We have an Obligation! 
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” 

*Please be free to comment. Comments & feedback's are valued.

Monday, November 7, 2016

As the skies shift from blues to greys.!

Growing air pollution does scare us ... Doesn't it?

As we all know, air pollution is the most deadliest form of pollution among them all. According to WHO  ( World Health Organization ), every 9 out of 10 people live in places where air pollution exceeds the safe limits. I know that sounds scary, but yes facts are meant to be spoken.
So, what does the growing CO₂ in the atmosphere & the alarming rise in the global amount of plastic consumption indicate ? So, what's the connection between growing CO₂ levels & plastic consumption? Well, here's the answer. For the past 13 years ( yes since 2003 ), Newlight Technologies have  been working on main aim of moving plastic out of the world on a global scale. Though, plastic has been the workhorse of modern economy it has to be reduced in terms of consumption.
Graphical data on
Plastic production

See the alarming increase in plastic production ?  What did Newlight Technologies come up with as a possible solution ? The answer is AirCarbon, the perfect plastic alternate but much better in terms of durability, also is it cheaper, greener ,& stronger. What is AirCarbon made up of?
It is made from pollution! Yes, it is made from captured carbon ( the same widely known ancient molecule ) but, AirCarbon ( basically a thermoplastic ) is much better than plastic since it is totally biodegradable ( unlike plastic ) & can also be moulded into different shapes  ( like plastic ). AirCarbon, is primarily made out of captured carbon ( methane-based carbon emissions, such as methane from dairy farms, digesters and landfills ) & the composition includes 40% Air and 60% Greenhouse gases.
AirCarbon, plastic but made out of Carbon
How it's made ? 
It's simple ( oh come-on, it was under the making for 13 whole dedicated years ).
Initially, the reactor completely made up of stainless steel is filled with the air & captured greenhouse gas. These both are eventually made to flow towards the bottom of the tank where they react with a specialised biocatalyst ( the role of this biocatalyst is to pull out Carbon, oxygen & hydrogen out of the gases and rearranges it's preset arrangement ). So, it's like two different constituents into a tank with a special biocatalyst, reacts, rearranges, there you go - Voila! AirCarbon is born.
Now, that AirCarbon is born... where do we apply it?
It has already been applied in various fields like in extrusion, blown film, cast film, fibre spinning, injection moulding, & the posssibilities about to be discovered are endless. In the past 15 months, Newlight tech has £74 billion of AirCarbon in off-take purchase or licensed production agreements.
While, a dozen major companies have already pooled in their contributions to get benefitted from this revolutionary material Dell have already started using this as a packaging material for their products.

One things for sure, these are so true.
“Ideas are at the core of the modern economy.”
“Being imaginative is having ideas; being creative is converting ideas into production.”

*Please be free to comment. Comments & feedback's are valued.