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Friday, October 28, 2016

Why must fishes turn protandry for our negligence?

So, what's the effect of Birth Control pills on Fishes.? one may question.
PC: Pexels
Pills, Pills, Pills

Well, here's the answer. Almost every one's aware of what birth control pills are & also their purpose of consumption but, very few are aware of the adverse effect it has caused to our environment in the recent times. 

Ever heard of Hermaphrodites a.k.a, Intersex ??
Recent studies & analysis by various team of Scientists on aquatic ecosystem across the Globe leads to one conclusion. And, that is none other than this "Immature eggs 
( usually present in females ) are being discovered in significant numbers in the Male gonads of fishes like Salmon, Trout, & Roaches ( all three being economically important fishes ) ." Yes, you read it right. The exposure of Estrogen, ( a hormone responsible for development and growth of female characteristics ) & EE₂ ( Ethinyl Estradiol, an important component used in the common prescription pills like in birth control pills ) has induced a feminizing effect ( Male individuals turn develop female characteristics) on the fishes living in the respective ecosystem which contain quantities of these hormones in it, even in trace amounts. Unfortunately, there are many possibilities of these hormones to adulterate the water bodies that may lead to accumulation of these in the water bodies & eventually in the organisms living in it. Though, significant steps have been taken to treat the water before letting them into water bodies, trace amounts do make their way in.
Lund University, Sweden.
Cross Sectional View of
   Testis of a Fish, portraying Immature Eggs
Ironically, the researchers are directing this study to analyze these effects on Humans who consume those fishes rather than the ecological imbalance which Humans have caused. It is we Humans who cause these adverse effects to our the harmless fishes.  
Finally, I'd like to end this post with another sensational & an alarming discovery, not only does this caused a domino effect of turning them protandry also have they increased the chances of cancerous tumours among the fish population! Yes, there's too much at stake. Yet again, not only have we been ( unfortunately ) successful in harming the environment for our desires & needs, also have we contributed in the development of Cancerous tumours among the fish population 
 ( though, not prevalent ).! 
But, there's a Always a Way! Isn't it???
PC: Pexels
Why should they pay the price for our desires?

"It's Never Too Late to make things RIGHT."

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