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Monday, December 26, 2016

How about a little Tech feast..??

The word "technology" coined around the 17th century certainly has quite lived upto it's expectations in the 21st century. Well, technology meant the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Why am narrating all these..?? Actually, there's something which most of us are unaware of yet despite the exponential growth of media.
You guys would've heard about quite revolutionizing concepts ranging from Tesla's electric cars, CEL's Robox ( a 3D printer ), SpaceX progam, Google's self driving cars, Amazon's drone delivery system, and so on. Speaking of technology, the sole purpose of it's existence is for these to simplify and better our lives in an efficient & an effective manner. Agreed.
Here are two intricate & perplexing technological innovations we know not much about.

What is it..?? A teleporter? A green lantern power ring? The lightsaber from Starwars? Ironman's armor?  'No, a BIG Hellno.'

The Bloom's Energy Server

Umm, not self explanatory. Explanation coming right up.!

 Built with patented Solid Oxide Fuel Cell's ( SOFC's ) technology, Bloom's Energy Server is a new class of distributed highly reliable, power generators which intend to produce clean & affordable electricity. Sounds interesting... Isn't it.?
Fuel cells are devices that convert fuel into electricity through a clean electro-chemical process rather than the harmful & a dirty combustion. In other words, they're literally like batteries except that they are ALWAYS ON & also produce a large amount of electricity.
And, they're also quite different from their counterpart known as the "hydrogen fuel cells".
Different.? In what way.? I must say, in three distinct ways namely,
-Low cost raw materials ( neither do they use expensive metals like Platinum nor do they require corrosive acids to carry out the reactions )

-High Electricity Efficiency ( nearly twice as much as efficient in generation )

-Fuel Flexibility ( they are perfectly compatible with both conventional & renewable sources as fuels )

A fuel cell is like a battery that always runs. It consists of three parts: an electrolyte, an anode, & a cathode. Check out the video i've included below for a quick understanding of How a fuel cell works?

Just in case the video doesn't play, here's the link. Click here!

How much electricity can they produce?
 Well, surprisingly each Bloom's Energy Server provides about 200kW of power! Oh yes, you heard me right. Apparently, it seems to be more than enough to meet the baseload needs of over 100 average homes or an office building ( that too, on a 24 by 7 round the clock consumption ). Mindblowing isn't it.?
 Believe it or not. Companies like Adobe, Apple, Dreamworks, eBay,FedEx, Google, Honda, Kellogg's, Medtronic, Panasonic, Walmart, & Yahoo are using this revolutionizing clean technology to generate power for their needs. Apparently, they aren't actually made available to household needs yet due to innumerable reasons although they are highly successful in powering huge companies with their daily electricity needs. 
Score ONE for clean energy.!

Boston Dynamic's Atlas

Now, who's fascinated in the field of Robotics.? or would love to get themselves a robot.?

Well, here's the next generation of Robotics. Boston Dynamics, a robotics design company has come up with the Agile Anthropomorphic Robot named "Atlas" quite a while ago.
Want to hear more about Atlas.? Let's call it the Robo sapiens like in Homo sapiens ( scientific name of Human species ). 
Atlas, a bipedal humanoid robot primarily developed by the manufacturer named Boston Dynamics with funding & oversight from United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ). Guess what.. Atlas is 6 foot tall and serves the primary purpose of aiding the military in search & rescue operations.

What makes Atlas special.?
  Well, Atlas is designed to negotiate the rough outdoor terrain. It can walk bi-pedally leaving upper limbs free to lift, carry, manipulate, & interact with the environment. While given an extremely challenging terrain, it is strong and coordinated enough to climb using both hands & feet, and also can it pick its way through congested spaces.
  And, it turns out to have a well articulated sensor head which includes stereo cameras, & laser range finder. Atlas is powered from an off-board electronic power supply. It has an incredible number of about 28 hydraulically-actuated degrees of freedom, two-hands, arms, legs, feet & torso. It sure is a milestone achievement in the field of Robotics.
I've provided the video down below in which you can watch Atlas in action.

* Please be free to comment. Comments & feedback's are valued.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hola, everyone.! Here's an App Digest!

The awaited App Digest is here. I bet you guys would love it.

There's this question which i often come across & here's the solution to it.,
The question goes like this, "Hey, do ya know how to download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Vine, Dailymotion ???" I'd say It's quite easy when you wanna download it from a Desktop Browser rather than an Android Device. But, not anymore! Lemme introduce you to SnapTube.

SnapTube is an Android app that allows the user to download videos and mp3 from popular sites like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram ( YES, you heard me right ), Vine, Dailymotion, 
VEVO ( calling Music fans out there ), Vimeo, Metacafe, SoundCloud ( Again, something a Music lover would always love to do ). Top of all, the UI is pretty simple & self explanatory. Also, is it completely clean & safe with no risk of malware.   

The link to download this aplication is here: Click here!

All we want to do after a hectic day of work, or college is to calm yourself down & keep your stress out. Actually, there's something you can do if you're an Android user. There's this two-way app which lets you be so relaxing just by interacting with the UI. And, it's none other than Grove.

 Grove is simply an android application which generates a digital playground and a creative and relaxing toy where you explore procedural landscapes and turn them into your own colourful scenery. Grove gives the user the creative freedom of procedural tools while staying simple and fun. Wander into dense randomly generated forests and find out   how to bend the rules that create this world ( or should i say Digital World ).

The download link is here: Click here!

And, now we come to my personal favourite app on the list- FRAME. It's an undescribabale, and incredibly well organized wallpaper app for Android. Yeap, that's right. By far, the best i've ever come across. Jazz up your screen !

FRAME - Wallpapers is technically an android app by cw sei app developing team. It's based on the web source of Unsplash ( a website which provides HD images of almost all genres ). This app basically aggregates the HD images from Unsplash website & provides it in a downloadadble format & futher to either share it or apply it as your wallpaper. They're literally magnificent. Give it a shot!

The download link is provided here: Click here!

You guys know what... It's good to look back to our childhood once in a while & please don't worry about others terming you as "premature" at times. Well, lemme tell you all something. What if i said there was a totally cool & a fun way to make Paper Planes still and also have them travel to places. Here's an app named as Paper Planes that might actually be more than sufficient to bring the child out in you ( the digital way ).

Paper Planes - Well, it's time that we occasionally turn back into our childhood days of Paper Planes in classrooms and also outdoors. But, this time we're gonna do it the ECO friendly way. Yeap, that's right. The Paper Planes are virtual. The main objective is pretty simple. You make a virtual paper plane on which you stamp your location and date and make it fly around the world. The app basically uses an program that simulates an artificial simulatory trajectory of paper planes flying around the Earth. In this app, similarly like you can make one you are also capable of catching the one's let to fly by other users from across the continents. No more, go have it downloaded right away. 

The download link is provided here: Click here!

Last app on the list is Instadict. Ever come across words that you didn't know synonyms for.? Well, you definitely would've ( Psst... if you were a Human LOL! ). This app is like all the other apps featured on the App Digest is very simple yet noteworthy. Now, you can find the synonym of the word in a totally different & a cool way. I'd say, it's a must have app if you read News articles, feeds, descriptions, & obviously blogs in your android device.

Instadict - It's by far the most unique synonym or meaning searcher both offline & online. 
The googling time is over. No more googling & switching tabs just to look up for meanings anymore. Get yourself immersed into the world of reading. Reading a post or an article, came across a hard to understand word? Never mind. Hold it, select that word. Then, press "Copy" option, then quickly Shake your device horizontally. Then, Voila! Yes, absolutely. A fun way to look up for meanings... Isn't it??? Instadict currently supports English, French, Italian, & Spanish languages. Other language support, coming soon!

The download link is provided here: Click here!

That's all it for now, Guys. Stay tuned! for more of simple yet noteworthy apps.
*Please be free to comment. Comments & feedback's are valued.